Semi-Direct Visual Odometry
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
svo::feature_detection::AbstractDetectorAll detectors should derive from this abstract class
svo::Reprojector::CandidateA candidate is a point that projects into the image plane and for which we will search a maching feature in the image
svo::ConfigGlobal configuration file of SVO
svo::feature_detection::CornerTemporary container used for corner detection. Features are initialized from these
svo::DepthFilterDepth filter implements the Bayesian Update proposed in: "Video-based, Real-Time Multi View Stereo" by G
svo::ba::EdgeContainerSE3Temporary container to hold the g2o edge with reference to frame and point
svo::feature_detection::FastDetectorFAST detector by Edward Rosten
svo::FeatureA salient image region that is tracked across frames
svo::FrameA frame saves the image, the associated features and the estimated pose
svo::FrameHandlerBaseBase class for various VO pipelines. Manages the map and the state machine
svo::FrameHandlerMonoMonocular Visual Odometry Pipeline as described in the SVO paper
svo::Reprojector::GridThe grid stores a set of candidate matches. For every grid cell we try to find one match
svo::initialization::KltHomographyInitTracks features using Lucas-Kanade tracker and then estimates a homography
svo::MapMap object which saves all keyframes which are in a map
svo::MapPointCandidatesContainer for converged 3D points that are not already assigned to two keyframes
svo::MatcherPatch-matcher for reprojection-matching and epipolar search in triangulation
svo::DepthFilter::OptionsDepth-filter config parameters
svo::Reprojector::OptionsReprojector config parameters
svo::PointA 3D point on the surface of the scene
svo::ReprojectorProject points from the map into the image and find the corresponding feature (corner)
svo::SeedA seed is a probabilistic depth estimate for a single pixel
svo::SparseImgAlignOptimize the pose of the frame by minimizing the photometric error of feature patches
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