Semi-Direct Visual Odometry
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Variables
svo Namespace Reference


namespace  ba

Local, global and 2-view bundle adjustment with g2o.

namespace  feature_alignment

Subpixel refinement of a reference feature patch with the current image.

namespace  feature_detection

Implementation of various feature detectors.

namespace  frame_utils

Some helper functions for the frame object.

namespace  initialization

Bootstrapping the map from the first two views.

namespace  map_debug

A collection of debug functions to check the data consistency.

namespace  pose_optimizer

Motion-only bundle adjustment. Minimize the reprojection error of a single frame.

namespace  warp

Warp a patch from the reference view to the current view.


class  Config
 Global configuration file of SVO. More...
struct  Seed
 A seed is a probabilistic depth estimate for a single pixel. More...
class  DepthFilter
 Depth filter implements the Bayesian Update proposed in: "Video-based, Real-Time Multi View Stereo" by G. More...
struct  Feature
 A salient image region that is tracked across frames. More...
class  Frame
 A frame saves the image, the associated features and the estimated pose. More...
class  FrameHandlerBase
 Base class for various VO pipelines. Manages the map and the state machine. More...
class  FrameHandlerMono
 Monocular Visual Odometry Pipeline as described in the SVO paper. More...
class  MapPointCandidates
 Container for converged 3D points that are not already assigned to two keyframes. More...
class  Map
 Map object which saves all keyframes which are in a map. More...
class  Matcher
 Patch-matcher for reprojection-matching and epipolar search in triangulation. More...
class  Point
 A 3D point on the surface of the scene. More...
class  Reprojector
 Project points from the map into the image and find the corresponding feature (corner). More...
class  SparseImgAlign
 Optimize the pose of the frame by minimizing the photometric error of feature patches. More...


typedef g2o::EdgeProjectXYZ2UV g2oEdgeSE3
typedef g2o::VertexSE3Expmap g2oFrameSE3
typedef g2o::VertexSBAPointXYZ g2oPoint
typedef list< Feature * > Features
typedef vector< cv::Mat > ImgPyr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< FrameFramePtr
typedef Matrix< double, 2, 3 > Matrix23d
typedef Matrix< double, 6, 6 > Matrix6d
typedef Matrix< double, 2, 6 > Matrix26d
typedef Matrix< double, 6, 1 > Vector6d


const double EPS = 0.0000000001
const double PI = 3.14159265

Typedef Documentation

typedef list<Feature*> svo::Features
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Frame> svo::FramePtr
typedef g2o::EdgeProjectXYZ2UV svo::g2oEdgeSE3
typedef g2o::VertexSE3Expmap svo::g2oFrameSE3
typedef g2o::VertexSBAPointXYZ svo::g2oPoint
typedef vector<cv::Mat> svo::ImgPyr
typedef Matrix<double, 2, 3> svo::Matrix23d
typedef Matrix<double,2,6> svo::Matrix26d
typedef Matrix<double,6,6> svo::Matrix6d
typedef Matrix<double,6,1> svo::Vector6d

Variable Documentation

const double svo::EPS = 0.0000000001
const double svo::PI = 3.14159265
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